➥ Projects
Omaha Public Schools - Western Hills Elementary School

Ponca Elementary School Capital Improvements

Omaha Public Schools - Oak Valley Elementary School Renovation

Ruth Staples Child Development Laboratory University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Air Force Weather Agency H.Q.

Minot Air Traffic Control Tower

Minot Air Force Base - Base Operations Facility

Minot Air Force Base - FY10 and FY12 Dormitories

Minot Air Force Base - Missile Procedures Training Operations Facility

St. Joan of Arc

Fairacres Residence

Nebraska Furniture Mart of Texas

Nebraska Furniture Mart - Corporate Headquarters
Jesuit Middle School of Omaha

Gretna Children's Library
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility

Elemental Scientific, Inc.

Offutt Air Force Base - Repair Historic General's Quarters

Nebraska Furniture Mart - Mega Mart Renovation

Offutt Air Force Base - 97th Intelligence Agency

Offutt Air Force Base - USSTRATCOM Replacement Facility Concept Design

Covenant Presbyterian Church

South 109th Street Residence

South 87th Street Residence

Kennard Nebraska Residence

Curtis Lake Residence
Ellsworth Air Force Base - Civil Engineering Squadron Facility

Nebraska Furniture Mart - Warehouse and Distribution Center

Nebraska Furniture Mart KC Distribution Center
Nebraska Furniture Mart - Main Store

City of Omaha - Visitor's Center

Offutt Air Force Base - Dormitory

Omaha Public Schools - R. M. Marrs Magnet School

Omaha Public Schools - Mount View Elementary School / Boys and Girls Club

Schering-Plough Animal Health Support Facility